Lab Write Up
Name: Sam Basilico
Period: 7
Assignment: Lab #8
My Solution
For this lab I had to create a calculator. In this calculator we made a ton of different sprites that represented each button on a calculator. We also made different variables that differentiated the first input and the second input. We also had blocks that did each operation on the different inputs. For this calculator it was hard to make it work but eventually we made it work by using the different variables and blocks that made it easier.
My Solution
Part 1-A
For the Finch, my solution to part 1-A was to make differnet blocks for each movement the finch made. I had four different ones and each one consisted of the wheels moving a certain amount. For the forward, it moved 100 on both wheels and for the backwards, the wheels moved backwards 100. For the left and right, the finch moved its wheels a little more on one side depending on which direction it wanted to go. For the blocked, we made a variable and set it to 'blocked' whenever there was an obstacle.
Part 1-B
To make the finch go in a square we used the blocks we made in Part 1-A. It was easy because we just used the turn and the go forawrd until it went in a full square. Next, we made the finch say which orientation it was in. It was super easy because we just put the variable that knew what position it was in into a say command. Next, we had to make it know when it was blocked so we used and if statement that knnew that when there was an obstacle, it had to move backwards and turn (using our block) to get away. Lastly we had to make the finch move in a figure 8. We h=basically did the same thing we did in the square by using the moving blocks. We only just made it use the turning blocks more than once to make it move in an 8.